BSFS, Inc.
Photo Album
Discovering Science Fiction Day
October 5, 2002
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John Kilsavage, the owner of the Washington Street Book
Store asked BSFS to help him celebrate the discovery of
Science Fiction at his store on October 5, 2002 in Havre de
Grace, MD:
John Kilsavage just finished adding one of the BSFS ray
guns in a display case.
oct5_01.jpg From left to right, Hal Haag, Sue Wheeler, Marty Gear,
and Mark Owings participate in a panel about collecting
Science Fiction.
oct5_02.jpg The assembled crowd listen to Dr. Yoji Kondo speak
about Robert Heinlein.
oct5_03.jpg Another view of the assembled crowd listen to Dr. Yoji
Kondo speak about Robert Heinlein.
oct5_05.jpg Yet another view of the assembled crowd listen to
Dr. Yoji Kondo speak about Robert Heinlein.
oct5_06.jpg Dale Arnold at the podium talking to the crowd as
John sets up for the next part of the event.
oct5_07.jpg Dale Arnold at the podium talking to the crowd just
before introducing Jack Chalker to the assembled
oct5_08.jpg Jack Chalker chatting with a couple of people
before his session began.
oct5_09.jpg The giant Balticon 37 flyer/poster on display in
the store where the event was held.
oct5_10.jpg Some of the science fiction items on display in
the store.
oct5_11.jpg Some of the carved whales on display.
oct5_12.jpg A real live stereopticon on display in one of the cases
in the store.
oct5_13.jpg A small shrine in the religious area.
oct5_14.jpg The place was filled with sf items on display, 'specially
lots of books.
oct5_15.jpg Another view of the previous display.
oct5_16.jpg Antiques were hanging all over the place.
oct5_17.jpg The front of the store. The day was bright and sunny
and just a tad windy.
oct5_18.jpg A closer view of the front door.
oct5_19.jpg View of the store from across the street.

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"Hugo Award", "Worldcon", and "NASFiC" are service marks of the
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"Balticon" is a service mark of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc.